Monday, March 21, 2011

Opening Day - Need Volunteers!

Hello All!
We are gearing up for Opening Day - we need over 40 volunteers to help with the events and festivities. Please check your email from me and respond to the questions.

If you have any friends or relatives coming to Opening Day - we'll take their help too!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Modell's Fundraiser is This Weekend!

Hello All - the Modell's Fundraiser is off and running.. Friday night after 5 pm through Monday evening, we are hoping we have a lot of parents shopping at Modell's to earn us 10% on every purchase they make.

You will have all most likely received the LNAL Email that went out today announcing the fundraiser.

Spread the word - any purchase - no matter how big or small - receives 10% off and the full 10% goes right back to the LNAL.  Tell friends, neighbors, or anyone who might need some sporting goods to go on down to Modell's in South Attleboro this weekend and support our players!

Thanks to Stephanie Payne-Capua, one of our valuable MVP Booster members, for organiing a huge effort to pass out flyers around town to advertise the event.

We are hoping for a good turnout!
